Monday, August 25, 2014

Mothering Yourself: 5 tips for taking care of the person who takes care of everyone else

Since we're on vacation, which has a way of simultaneously restoring sanity 

while keeping things a little crazier than usual 

Since most of us are pretty decent people and parents when we're sane.

Since we sometimes need micro-vacations we can use anytime for restoring that ever elusive sanity.

Here are 5 micro-vacations:

1. Drink it in.  Spend 5 minutes in the morning to make a pitcher of something that is natural and nourishing.  I love iced green or mint tea with some lemon and honey, but Chinese rose tea is another favorite.  You can have a little bowl of lemon wedges in your fridge, or I have a friend who keeps a bag of frozen mixed berries in her freezer and throws two or three in every glass (her favorite is Passion flower tea).  Whatever it is, serve it in a pretty glass, sip and savor.  It's a treat that treats your body well. 

2. Time it.  Maybe you can't get 10 minutes to yourself, but you can get 1 minute, 10 times a day.  Set your watch or your phone so it beeps at the top of every hour.  Take that full minute to recenter  and re-engage with the present moment.

3. Take sick days.  Ask to be cared for.  Get soup and tea and warm blankets and a stack of books and disappear for 24 hours.  And don't say you can't.  You choose not to.  You can choose to knock it out in 24 hours or you can choose to let it linger for 2 weeks   

4. Say no.  To the next thing someone asks you.  Just because you can.  Just because you need the practice.  Don't make excuses, don't try to justify it.  Just say "No, I'd prefer not to".  Then watch as the world DOESN'T come to a screeching halt.

5. Read Children's Literature.  I know I've posted this before, but it's just that important.  The Chronicles of Narnia, The Wizard of Oz, Alice in Wonderland or anything by Edith Nesbit.  Beauty, fantasy and adventure, all without having to think too hard. 

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